Religious Studies

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Judaism & Christianity in Antiquity Research Area

Judaism & Christianity in Antiquity Research Area

We focus principally on the study of ancient Jewish texts from the Babylonian Period (586 BCE) to the early rabbinic period (200 CE) as well as the New Testament and early Christian literature. We encourage a variety of methodological approaches to these materials.

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Early Judaism

Research includes the Dead Sea Scrolls, the writings of the “Apocrypha” and “Pseudepigrapha,” early Rabbinic and Greco-Roman period Jewish sources and ancient Jewish biblical interpretation. A variety of approaches and methodologies for the study of Early Judaism are introduced, such as, textual, literary, social historical, feminist and philosophical/ theological.

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Early Christianity

Research is sponsored in this area primarily in the writings included in the New Testament, particularly the gospels, Pauline literature, Hebrews, and in the early Greek Church Fathers. Course work and comprehensive examinations include the history of Christian beginnings (from Jesus to Constantine), the Jewish and Greco-Roman environment and a diversity of approaches and methodologies currently used in the study of Early Christianity.


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Hanna Tervanotko

graduate-chair, Religious Studies

Associate Professor, Religious Studies

(905) 525-9140 ext. 24239

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Matthew Thiessen

Associate Professor, Religious Studies

undergraduate-chair, Religious Studies

(905) 525-9140 ext. 24597

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